Dear Mini Friends!
We hope you all got home safely from IMM in Germany.
As we promised in our newsletter sent on April 30, we hereby provide additional information regarding the International Mini Weekend in Csopak (10-14 July 2024).
The first and most important thing is that the deadline for accommodation reservations expires on 7th June, i.e. this FRIDAY, after which the Holiday Village reserves the right to sell unbooked accommodation to third parties. SIX 2-room apartments, TWO 5-bed rooms and approx. 10 tent pitches are still available for those who didn’t book yet but would like to come, please let us know as soon as possible!
At the same time, we also let the registration start NOW, which you can do by filling out the attached registration form and sending it to, but before you start filling it out, please read carefully the attached invitation, which we have added with all the necessary information that was not available for us a month ago (programs, menus, costs etc.). The discount deadline for registration is 15th June!
Invitation: XXIX. IMW_invitation_v2
Accomodation form: XXIX. IMW_accomodation reservation form
Registration form: XXIX. IMW_registration form
T-shirt chart: XXIX. IMW_T-shirt Size Chart
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!
We would love to host you and your fellow club members at Lake Balaton in July 2024!
P.S.: Liebe deutschsprachige Mini-Freunde! Wir werden versuchen, die Einladung und die Anhänge so schnell wie möglich ins Deutsche zu übersetzen, es kann jedoch noch ein oder zwei Tage dauern, wenn ihr Englisch sprecht, könnt ihr auch die englische Version ausfüllen! Und wenn ihr noch keine Unterkunft habt, wartet bitte nicht bis dahin, sondern bucht so schnell wie möglich, weil die Frist am 7. Juni endet!
Best regards,
The board of Mini Club Hungary